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KIM CultureStoke

September 23, 2024


When we think of some of our favorite recipes, they all seem to have a couple of things in common:  They have KEY INGREDIENTS that are ESSENTIAL to the outcome of the recipe and are passed on from generation to generation. With my Italian roots, one of the cultural dishes I have always appreciated was a big plate of spaghetti topped with a tasty Italian style sauce, a sauce that could make my tastebuds feel like I died and went to heaven.

So, what does my love of spaghetti have to do with the business that I am highlighting this week? I thought it would be a fun and creative analogy to introduce this awe-inspiring duo of progressive Business Consultants, who are creating a unique buzz on the business scene of our beautiful Central Coast. CultureStoke, located at 1150 Laurel Ln., Suite 180, San Luis Obispo, Ca. is not only culturally relative to the times that we are living in, but together, Co-Founder Marty Imes and longtime friend and Co-Founder Wes Love, have developed a recipe for success for the business sector. How have these two young professionals managed to make their mark in the competitive world of Business Consulting? Years of education, hard work, dedication, intense market research, soul-searching and life experiences, all aided in the development of their outstanding secret sauce. Their business strategies coupled with their communication strategies can bring new insights to everyday interactions. Thankfully for us, Marty and Wes have no desire to keep what they have learned a secret. They have made it their mission to share their growing knowledge and wisdom with anyone seeking more productive ways of engaging with others personally and professionally. Whether you are an employer of a small or large company or an employee on your own career path, one taste of one their workshops, seminars, webinars, podcasts or live talks, will leave you wanting more!

Like all great generational recipes, CultureStoke philosophies were birthed out of a desire to create an innovative business model and business culture that was much more satisfying than what was being offered in the traditional work environment. The humdrum of going to work, collecting a paycheck with no zeal or sense of purpose was no longer acceptable to these two ambitious idealists. They were confident that we are designed for more than that! Though most of their adult lives Marty and Wes had gone in different directions in their career paths, new and unexpected life circumstances brought them back into each other’s sphere of influence. Once they reconnected, sparks flew off the pages as they brainstormed on ways to bring ESSENTIAL KEY INGREDIENTS back into the workplace. How would this transformative plan of action begin? By simply implementing the same core values of any other healthy relationship, thus creating a new culture in the business world! CultureStoke's bold motto: PEOPLE FIRST! Core values that are based on dignity, respect, compassion and empathy toward one another. With these attributes leading the way, they were confident that the dividends that would follow would be far greater than we could ever imagine. Marty and Wes and their team have spent countless hours developing content that can be shared and implemented in our everyday lives. They instinctively understand that we can’t change the world around us if we aren’t willing to do the inner work to change ourselves first. Humility and growth go hand in hand! Marty and Wes are eager to keep learning, growing and developing professionally and committed to sharing their messages with the commerce world and beyond. Statistics have shown through economics that when people feel valued, they are happier, they will work harder, with zeal and with purpose, which will undoubtedly lead to a more profitable bottom line and a more stable workforce!

In the past eight years the CultureStoke team has developed proven methods and modalities that have changed the trajectory of our commerce culture.  As CEO of our South County Chambers of Commerce Jeff Chambers quoted, “Marty, Wes and the hardworking team at CultureStoke have contributed greatly to our South County Leadership programs. Their hearts of compassion, empathy, gratitude, and remarkable ability to teach people how to effectively communicate, have elevated our business leaders in innumerous ways. We thank them all for the contribution that they have made to the Central Coast." CultureStoke’s philosophy is worth sharing from generation to generation, "Never forget to celebrate your successes, learn from your missteps and evolve with the wisdom you’ve gained. "ESSENTIAL KEY INGREDIENTS FOR LIFELONG SUCCESS! For more information on their workshops, seminars webinars, podcasts and live speaking engagements, please visit them at


With Gratitude,

Kim Wybenga


Chairman's Circle Plus, Chairman's Circle & Community Partners