Membership Benefits
Membership with South County Chambers of Commerce is the fastest way to get the support and recognition your business or nonprofit needs to succeed.
The benefits you receive far outweigh your annual investment including:
- Building connections with other local business people
- Ensuring clients actively seeking your services can find you
- Giving you the tools to heighten your professional and business profile
- Professional staff and volunteers lobbying on business issues with government
- Access to the most up-to-date information and resources
The South County Chambers of Commerce is the most cost-effective way to strengthen your business in the community, plus you’ll make friends and local business connections that will last a lifetime.
What South County Chambers of Commerce provides its members:
Advocacy — We make sure business needs stay front and center with local elected officials.
Community Calendar — The South County Chambers calendar of events for Avila Beach, Pismo Beach, Arroyo Grande, Grover Beach, Oceano, and Nipomo makes planning a breeze.
Information — Keeping the South County informed on issues, business news, updates from our government leaders, events, business promotions, and more in South County Business News (the Chamber's monthly business news publication and Tuesday morning eblast).
Leadership — Between our Board of Directors, Committees, Professional Staff, and Leadership training program, we convene leaders to ensure our region's economic vitality.
Connections — Introducing and promoting your business via our personal referrals, website, social media, and networking events.
Partnerships — Our partnerships as a regional chamber have created beneficial and targeted features such as the Launch Pad cowork space in Grover Beach for entrepreneurs and the management and renovation of the California Welcome Center in Pismo Beach. These contracts ensure that our tourism-driven economy thrives and that diverse, new industries emerge.
Education and Resources — We provide access to information, resources, and tools to help your business thrive. A few examples include office supply discounts, grant opportunities, and relevant workshops on topics such as accounting, taxes, human resources laws, compliance with local ordinances, employee hiring, retention, etc.
Advertising & Promotional Opportunities
Included with Basic Membership:
- Welcome visit and ribbon-cutting photos and video with Chamber ambassadors (photo posted on our social media pages and in our weekly E-Blast Chamber business news publication, "South County Business News")
- Announcement in "South County Business News" weekly E-Blast and on Chamber website upon joining
- Listing and company logo on the website fully searchable by business name, representatives name, or by category
- "South County Business News" directed mailed to opt-in subscribers and emailed to you and your staff.
- Enhanced listing on Chamber website of membership that allows for photos, videos, additional key search words, top placement—non rotating position
- The ability to post press releases, Hot Deals coupons, events, and job listings with pictures and logos on website
- Networking and connecting at Chamber events
- Listing in "South County Business News" upon annual renewal
- Direct referrals from the Visitor Center (only members are referred)
- Discount on business compliance materials
- Voice in local political actions that affect business
- Ambassadors to help you connect with other members seeking your services
- Discounts on conference room rental at these three locations: The Launch Pad in Grover Beach, the California Welcome Center in Pismo Beach, and the Chamber's Arroyo Grande office.
- Opportunities to advertise at affordable rates in our Tuesday morning eblast, "South County Business News."
Additional Advertising & Member Opportunities
- South County Visitor & Community Guide and South County Map
- Higher levels of membership provide more promotional opportunities
- Enhanced listings on Chamber website (post pictures, videos, additional key search words, top placement—non rotating)
- Three-minute “business highlight” at Chamber luncheon to promote your business or nonprofit
- Ads in "South County Business News," the Chamber's monthly business news publication and eflyers in our Tuesday e-blasts
- Event sponsorships
- Promotion partnership opportunities